Victor Lusis`s Homepage ビクターのホームページ

ようこそ!Welcome! (for the English translation please scroll down)

わたしはシュリ・チンモイ センターのメンバーです。ルシス・ビクターと申します。



シュリ・チンモイ センターのメンバーというのはどういう者でしょうか。



シュリ・チンモイ センターのメンバーとして仕事など普通の日常生活を送るとともに、瞑想も毎日実践しています。シュリ・チンモイは瞑想に精通している者です。ですから、わたしがセンターに入ってみようと思った本来の理由は、彼の指導のもとで瞑想してみたかったからです。肉体的にはシュリ・チンモイはもうこの世を去りましたが、彼のライフワークなどは残りました。瞑想とスピリチュアリティに関する多くの著作、瞑想系音楽の作詞作曲、そしてしっかりした基礎の上に立っているこのセンター。これらすべては自分の瞑想とスピリチュアル・ライフの大変大きな助けとなります。

シュリ・チンモイ センターというのは宗教でもないし、哲学体系でもありません。スピリチュアルな道の一つだと考えればいいでしょう。何か別の道を歩むことでもっと満足感を得れる人もいるでしょう。わたしたちの道は唯一の正しい道ではありませんから。

シュリ・チンモイ センターは世界中の何百もの都市で瞑想ワークショップを行っております。瞑想の経験のある人もない人も大歓迎します。


I am a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre International, and this is my home page.

I will assume that the reader is already reasonably familiar with Sri Chinmoy, if they have come this far. If not, I will refer you to this link  for a good summary of Sri Chinmoy. As for my personal interests and so on, they will be left for other places on this page so won`t really be featured in this introduction.

This piece of writing will focus on answering one main question: what exactly does it mean to be a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre?

First of all, a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre is a perfectly normal person. We work to make an honest living, buy our groceries at the local greengrocer, and pay our bills at the local convenience store (if we live in Japan). But there is just one thing we do that people may not feel is perfectly normal and ordinary: we practise meditation every day.

In fact, meditation IS something perfectly natural. Right now not that many people are familiar with it, that`s all.

Through meditation we begin to get to know ourselves better; we get to know our own inner self better. When we are in contact with our inner self, we feel a peace and a sense of fulfilment which does not depend on any object or condition in the world outside of ourselves. It is spontaneous, self-generating. Everyone has this existence inside them; it is the true inmost nature of each of us. But it often becomes obscured by the business of our hectic everyday life. Meditation reconnects us with this inner being, this inner nature. How can meditation, which reconnects us with our own true nature, NOT be natural?

So as a member of the Sri Chinmoy Centre, in addition to our ordinary every day life, we also practise meditation daily. Sri Chinmoy is a master of the art of meditation, and personally, the reason I joined his Centre is that I wanted his guidance as a teacher. I felt he might be able to help me find that for which I was looking. Although Sri Chinmoy has now departed from his earthly frame, he has left behind a huge quantity of writings, meditative songs and music, and the solid framework of a spiritual community which many people find is very helpful for one`s individual meditation practice. Sri Chinmoy continues to encourage and inspire.

The Sri Chinmoy Centre is not a religion, nor is it a school of philosophy, strictly speaking. It is best thought of as a spiritual path. No doubt, some people will be able to get more satisfaction from some other path. Ours is not the only way, and if others are truly suited to some other path, we wholeheartedly encourage them on their chosen way and have only good will towards them. But for some people who are seeking a greater knowledge of their inner self and are inspired to meditate, our path will be just what they need to speed up their progress in meditation and give them more fulfilment in their daily life. To these people, we extend a warm welcome to learn more about our path.

We offer free meditation classes in hundreds of cities around the globe, so you are most welcome to come and see us, and meditate with us. If you are an absolute beginner in meditation, our classes cover material that will set you up with your very own meditation practice right from scratch. But also, even if you have had a little, or a lot of experience in the field of meditation, you can still come, join in the class and meditate with us, and you are sure to gain something new.

This webpage will explore some areas of personal interest and inspiration. It is my hope that the reader, too, will be able to get some inspiration from the things that inspire me. Let`s share our inspiration!